Wednesday, 28 September 2011


So excuse my long silence, I have been beyond busy with my new job and the competition 'Customisez moi'. It's a Belgian competition where you have to show a 10 piece collection of customised garments and if you get selected you get to show in Brussels in front of loads of very cool people and you can win a very exciting prize... I thought I would take part as, I don't know if you've noticed, but I customise a lot...
I'm not sure I have a shot because the people taking part a real serious people who go to fancy schools etc but I have to say that it was quite challenging and exciting to create a more or less coherent collection...

I will show you the outfits a bit later but I wanted to give you a snippet of one of the outfits tonight...

I hope you like it and cross fingers for me!!

This is the side detail quickly taken with my Blackberry
 When Charlotte met Maia Dress
When Charlotte met Maia Cardigan
Modern Vintage Shoes

Friday, 9 September 2011

And this concludes the first week...

When Charlotte met Maia Jacket
New Look Shirt
H&M Trousers
Primark Necklace
Carvela Shoes

BTW do you follow me on Facebook and Twitter?

Thursday, 8 September 2011

C'est Jeudredi

Went for dinner with old housemates from university and realised that we finished uni way too long ago... 
Hope you had a good evening and enjoyed Vogue Fashion Night Out! x

When Charlotte met Maia Jacket
Silence and Noise Trousers
Primark Top
Carvela Shoes
Necklace from Retro Paradise

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

From Office to The Proms...

... with a change of bag

Cos Dress
Zara Blazer
When Charlotte met Maia Bag
Modern Vintage Shoes
Necklace from Retro Paradise

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

2nd day in the rain...

It now really feels like Autumn as it was pouring in London.... This meant that the trench and the boots made their comeback. I was also sporting a massive blue KPMG umbrella, it was a good look!
Anyway, another day, another When Charlotte met Maia piece!

When Charlotte met Maia Cardigan
H&M Shirt
BDG Jeans
Zara Boots

Monday, 5 September 2011

My First Day

When you were in school and it was a new school year, have you ever had that feeling: 'Right this is a new beginning, I will have a new haircut, I will exercise more and be healthier, read more, I will work harder and overall be a better version of myself, etc...' Well this is how I felt today, it was my first day at my new job!
It took me forever to figure out what to wear but I ended up wearing my 'when in doubt' outfit (do you have an outfit that is your failsafe?) I found the dress at my beloved Retro Paradise in Brussels and wore it with a When Charlotte met Maia belt for good luck (do you remember it? It's my 'boxer' belt seen here)
I was also wearing a light bolt necklace but I seemed to have lost it on the way home... How useless is that?
I will try to wear one When Charlotte met Maia garment every day this week, hopefully it will lead to a good first week!
Anyway, I have to admit that I have already failed on my new regime and didn't wake up early this morning to work out... better luck tomorrow?

The shoes to wear when commuting...

The shoes to wear in the office
 Vintage Dress from Retro Paradise
Zara Blazer
When Charlotte met Maia Belt
Carvela Shoes

Sunday, 4 September 2011

C'est la rentree!

The end of Summer is here and it is now time to start a new job!
Goodbye to the shimmering pool...

When Charlotte met Maia Sequinned Top (seen here)
'Borrowed' Shirt