Wednesday, 28 September 2011


So excuse my long silence, I have been beyond busy with my new job and the competition 'Customisez moi'. It's a Belgian competition where you have to show a 10 piece collection of customised garments and if you get selected you get to show in Brussels in front of loads of very cool people and you can win a very exciting prize... I thought I would take part as, I don't know if you've noticed, but I customise a lot...
I'm not sure I have a shot because the people taking part a real serious people who go to fancy schools etc but I have to say that it was quite challenging and exciting to create a more or less coherent collection...

I will show you the outfits a bit later but I wanted to give you a snippet of one of the outfits tonight...

I hope you like it and cross fingers for me!!

This is the side detail quickly taken with my Blackberry
 When Charlotte met Maia Dress
When Charlotte met Maia Cardigan
Modern Vintage Shoes

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